Tuesday, September 1, 2009

red curry grits

Since making the fish poached in curry sauce, I've been ruminating on the marriage of grits and curry. As it turns out, it was a lovely match. The spice of the curry paste and creaminess of the coconut milk works perfectly with this versatile grain.


1 can coconut milk
1 tbs red curry paste

Over medium heat, bring the coconut milk to a simmer in a small saucepan. Whisk in the curry paste. You now have curry sauce.

In another saucepan, prepare the grits with a slight change to package instructions: replace one half-part water with curry sauce. So, if the amount of grits you're making calls for 2 cups of water, use 1 cup water and 1 cup curry sauce. Otherwise, follow the package instructions.

Serve with grilled shrimp or a grilled chicken breast (I went with the chicken breast). I bet they're amazing with some eggs for breakfast, too. Let's face it - the grit can be served with anything.

I formed mine into grit cakes (pour your grits out onto a cookie sheet, allow to thicken. Use a cookie cutter to cut into rounds, then pan fry). But, they didn't really fry up well - so my recommendation is not to go the grit cake route.

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