Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Guest Post - Sausage Sandwich

During the few months’ hiatus where she travelled the world in search of bigger and better recipes to share with you it seems Catherine-Anne was pinned under a large rock whilst sampling roast grubs in the Himalayas. It has fallen to me, her loyal and not-at-all-money-grubbing brother to keep PFE alive until she gets back from the shaman’s hut with her newly grown arm.

Today’s recipe is classic summer man-food. Sausage and onion sandwiches with provolone cheese (roast beef optional but recommended).


2 Italian Pork Sausages per sandwich
1 crusty but soft Italian or French roll for each sandwich, sliced lengthwise but leave a hinge on one side
1 - 2 large sweet onions (a brown one will do if you can't find sweet), sliced
2 slices provolone per sandwich
Beer, a Bud Bomber to cook with and a 6-pack of something with flavor for drinking
1lb of thin sliced roast beef
1 Tbsp Olive or Peanut Oil
1 Pat (tbsp) of butter

Open the Bomber and pour it into a standard size medium pot.

Open a good beer and pour it into a standard size human mouth.

Bring the beer to a boil and place the sausages in there, add water to cover or more beer if you have another Bomber handy. Cook for 10 minutes, set aside when done.

Drink more beer.

In a pan heat the oil and the butter until it sizzles, throw in the onion and toss it in the fat mixture. Cook on medium low heat, stirring often, until the onions start to soften and brown.

Drink more beer.

Pour a bit of beer into the pan to appease the kitchen gods.

Cut the now boiled sausages in half lengthwise, move the onions to the outer edge of the pan or take them out completely and place the sausage halves flat side down in the pan. Cook over high heat for a minute or so to get them a bit textured on the outside.


Lay the sausages on the bread. I find that three halves lay best but...who wants to eat an odd number of sausage pieces? Put the fourth one on.

Place the cooked onions on top of the sausage.

Take a drink.

Top the onions with cheese.

Close the sandwich and wait 45 seconds to let the heat do its thing to the cheese.

Devour with more beer.

Here’s the optional part with the roast beef:
Heat up the roast beef with the sausages in the pan, place the beef on top of the cheese slices. Consume as above.

You’re welcome. Enjoy your summer. I’ll be back with more soon. In the meantime, vote for my essay on Anthony Bourdain's website where I answer the question, "what does it mean to cook food well?"

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