Monday, November 2, 2009

cocktail time

This refreshing cocktail is best suited for consumption while sitting under an umbrella and enjoying some sunshine. However, it is almost equally as delicious when consumed while enjoying the heat from your fireplace. Just pretend you're getting a tan.

1 small bottle of blood orange Italian soda
1 bottle of brut cava (champagne or other dry, sparkling wine will do)
1 small bottle of pomegranate juice
a cup of thawed, frozen raspberries
2 oz. vodka
orange slices

First, puree the raspberries in a blender. Set aside.

Fill a large pitcher about half-way full (between 70-90 oz.) with ice cubes. Pour in the vodka, Italian soda and pomegranate juice. Add in the cava until the pitcher is full. Stir to combine (gently now, there's a lot of carbonation!).

Pour about 1/4 inch of pureed raspberries into a martini glass. Top with your soda/juice/cava concoction. Garnish with an orange slice.

Settle back and let the world go by.

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